Tasks :
- Create the programme (find speakers, invite them, find a suitable date with them, ask them for a title and abstract) = Denise, Laetita and Marie-Laurence (Cc Valerie when it is someone from outside)
- Create a layout for the program for advertising, print and put it on DEMO walls and doors = Valérie once the program per semester is complete
- Organise travel and/or hotel for speaker = Valérie
- Welcome the speakers and invite them for dinner (and/or sandwich)
- Per seminar date, share the invitation with DEMO members and beyond (internally, on DEMOline, ask Isabelle to put it on DEMO website, spread among students via Esther + reminder in the morning + ask Marina/Alice to post on social media) = Valérie
- Book room = Valérie
- Organise Zoom meetings On the day of presentation:
  • Denise opens and manages the Zoom meeting room.
  • The speaker can use his/her own laptop. He/she must connect to Zoom to be able to share his/her screen. Alternatively, one of the organizers offers her laptop for the speaker to use.
Set the room = Valérie, Marie-Laurence, Denise, Laetita
Organise the lunch = (all vegetarian options, coordinate with Restaurants Universitaires and David Van Wemmel on the sandwiches, receive caterers) = Valérie

Zoom account:
login: responsable-demo@uclouvain.be;
password: demoUCL5329!

Permanent Zoom meeting details:
Centre for Demographic Research vous invite à une réunion Zoom planifiée.

Sujet : DEMO Midi de la recherche
Heure : Il s’agit d’une réunion récurrente Se rencontrer n’importe quand

Participer à la réunion Zoom

ID de réunion : 871 9960 4242
Une seule touche sur l’appareil mobile
+13052241968,,87199604242# États-Unis
+13092053325,,87199604242# États-Unis

Composez un numéro en fonction de votre emplacement
  • +1 305 224 1968 États-Unis
  • +1 309 205 3325 États-Unis
  • +1 312 626 6799 États-Unis (Chicago)
  • +1 346 248 7799 États-Unis (Houston)
  • +1 360 209 5623 États-Unis
  • +1 386 347 5053 États-Unis
  • +1 507 473 4847 États-Unis
  • +1 564 217 2000 États-Unis
  • +1 646 558 8656 États-Unis (New York)
  • +1 646 931 3860 États-Unis
  • +1 669 444 9171 États-Unis
  • +1 669 900 9128 États-Unis (San Jose)
  • +1 689 278 1000 États-Unis
  • +1 719 359 4580 États-Unis
  • +1 253 205 0468 États-Unis
  • +1 253 215 8782 États-Unis (Tacoma)
  • +1 301 715 8592 États-Unis (Washington DC)
ID de réunion : 871 9960 4242
Trouvez votre numéro local : https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdlwYclyTu

E-mail Bruno 28/07/2023:
- Try to alternate between people from outside and inside UCL
- motivate DEMO members to make presentations
- Draw up a list of externals you would like to invite
- Call for proposals among DEMO members, for themselves, and for people from other universities ?

- Total: 2000 euros per year (for travels, sandwiches, etc…).
- Draw up a provisional budget for guests
- Copy me on requests (ticket orders, etc.) or as approver – for budget management reasons

- Zoom account available
- Valérie’s : announcements, sandwich orders, train/hotel bookings, room bookings – to be discussed with her
- Invitation of students : see with Ester ? Or PSAD secretary

NB : How Ashira and Luisa organised the DEMO Lunch seminar :
The DEMO lunch seminars are organised roughly every two/three weeks during two semesters (September- December, and January-June), by one/two members of DEMO. They include presentations both from DEMO members who would like to share their work, get feedback on projects, new members who present their previous work etc., as well as from colleagues who are visiting, and other researchers who are often invited by the organisers.
Organisation of the seminars requires going through the following steps:
a. In advance, when organizing the programme
1. Find suitable dates for the seminars. Ensure the programme does not clash with holidays, big conferences when the centre might be empty, the midis pédagogique, or (possibly) the Conseils.
2. Identify and contact the potential presenters: when in agreement, obtain the title (and preferably already short abstract), and set the date of the presentation (suggested by you, according to the programme). Presenters should be able to come in person (and if from out of Belgium, DEMO needs to be able to cover travel expenses – ask Bruno S.).
3. Book the room (helpful if the same room for all dates). L190 is preferred because it’s on the DEMO floor, it has sufficient technology installed, and you can ask Isabelle for the reservation. An alternative is L80. Advantages: it has a good size, with sufficient technology installed. Disadvantages: sometimes the screen is not very legible, is not on the same DEMO floor. To book the room fill in this online form. (And if any problems, this is the mail to contact: auditoirelln-gplo@uclouvain.be).
4. Create and share the provisional programme with DEMO members, and ask Isabelle to put it up on DEMO website also, and print and put up in corridors of centre.
5. Organize Zoom meetings for all presentations
6. Hang a sign-up sheet for sandwiches in the cafeteria

b. Two-three weeks before each presentation
1. Confirm one has the final title and a short abstract (150 words) from presenter. We need it to write the invite to the seminar (2 weeks in advance).
2. Send the title and abstract to Valérie*. Ask her to create the invite and send the request to the communication admin (crm@uclouvain.be), to distribute the invite (html format) for the midi.
3. Ask Valérie to organize travel for presenters (train tickets and accommodation only if necessary)
4. Once the invite is out, share the invite with the presenter if not a member of DEMO, and clarify the timing, and format (eg. in person, on Zoom, 30-minute presentation-15 minute discussion), and put in contact with the person to organize travel details if necessary (reimbursement, where to park etc.)

*In case Valérie is absent you can email the communication admin. Email should be sent a couple of days before the invite is sent out, and should note the following:
Le nom et l'email de l'expéditeur (Centre de Recherche en Démographie, prenom.nom@uclouvain.be )
Le nom et l'email qui recevra les "reply" (ashira.menashe-oren@uclouvain.be, luisa.fadel@uclouvain.be)
L'objet de la communication: Invitation midi de la recherche du day month year
Le public auquel envoyer la communication : liste « Centre demo – midis de la recherche »
Le contenu de votre email en format html (cf. ci-joint).
The html attachment (the invite) should include the logo of UClouvain, the logo of DEMO, the date of the seminar, time, place, name of presenter and affiliation, title and abstract of presentation, link to Zoom for online attendees, contact details, and explanation of the seminars at bottom (eg. Le Centre DEMO organise des séminaires à fréquence régulière (2 à 3 fois par mois) sous le nom de «Midi de la Recherche». Ces séminaires ont lieu sur le temps du midi, généralement le mardi ou le jeudi de 13h00 à 13h45. Le séminaire est ouvert à tout public intéressé par le sujet. Le programme est annoncé régulièrement par un courrier électronique. Il est également disponible sur le site web du Centre).

c. On the week of the presentation
1. A day before the midi, send a reminder to DEMO.
2. On the day of the presentation, buy sandwiches (provider: La Sandwicherie). Always ask for the receipt for payment/reimbursement.
3. Welcome the presenter if not a DEMO member (you could provide your number in case of need the day before).
4. Set the room: bring your laptop, connect the screen, start the Zoom meeting (check for people in the waiting room), etc.
5. Make a list of all participants.

d. Every second seminar
1. If you paid for the sandwiches, fill out a note de frais for reimbursement. Address it to David Van Wemmel (Finance) and Bruno Schoumaker for approval. Attach sandwich receipts along with the list of participants.