
“Faidherbia-Flux” is a collaborative (> 20 international institutes; > 70 researchers and students) observatory located on a typical agro-silvo-pastoral parkland (groundnut basin, Senegal) dominated by the emblematic and multi-purpose tree species Faidherbia albida, in typical bush-fields cultivated with an annual rotation of pearl millet and groundnut and including the livestock.
It was settled in 2018 by CIRAD and IRD (within a larger Population-Health-Environment observatory; 50 yrs of research and data) using a very large number of instruments and was run continuously since then.
Its main objective is the long term (>10 years) monitoring of microclimate, tree growth, crop yield and exports, net and gross primary productivities, net ecosystem C balance, ecosystem respiration, soil GHG (CO2, H2O, N2O, CH4) balance, hydrological balance (infiltration, evapo-transpiration, sapflow, hydraulic redistributions, groundwater dynamics…), nutrient balance (N, P, K), the role of livestock, the effects of management options, the ecosystem services…
Its second objective is to provide databases of remotely-sensed products, productivity and fluxes to calibrate and validate biophysical models at plant, plot and landscape scales.
This observatory has been hosting international projects (e.g. EU, ANR, CGIAR…). It contributes actively to international networks and databases (e.g. FLUXNET, AMMA-CATCH). Since 2018, 22 peer-reviewed scientific articles were published (in Nov 2023), covering the fields of remote and proxy-sensing, hydrology, microclimate, modelling…

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Please dowload a poster presentation of our activities here:
Poster_FaidherbiaFlux_Interdrought_2022_Final.pdf (0.9MB)
image Image_poster_global.jpg (0.2MB)

Please dowload our last Faidherbia-Flux thematic results from here:
1_Project_Overall_presentation_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20240911.pdf (2.2MB)
2_Agronomy_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20211213.pdf (1.7MB)
3_Faidherbia_Biomass_growth_litter_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20211213.pdf (2.8MB)
4_Rootsbelowground_litter_fate_FaidherbiaFlux_Observator_20211213.pdf (2.7MB)
5_Sapflow__Leaf_Water_Pot_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20220223.pdf (2.3MB)
6_EddyCovariance_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20241002.pdf (5.0MB)
7_Soil_GHG_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20220505.pdf (5.6MB)
8_Drone_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20211213.pdf (2.8MB)
9_Remote_sensing_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20211213.pdf (2.3MB)
10_Hydrology_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20211213.pdf (3.9MB)
11_STICS_MAESPA_ModellingFlux_Observatory_20211213.pdf (1.1MB)
12_ORCHIDEE_Modelling_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20211213.pdf (1.1MB)
13_Meteorology_FaidherbiaFlux_Observatory_20220202.pdf (0.9MB)

Sahel Agroforestry, Niakhar

Monitoring soil fluxes for 5 GHG automatically

How to drill sandy soil for setting tecanat pipes

Importance de l'agroforestrerie au Sahel

CASSECS: Elevage et bilan Carbone

DSCATT-Capsule 1 : Pour plus de carbone et de matière organique dans les sols

DSCATT-Capsule 2 : Sur le terrain

Agroforestry-Yield heterogeneity-Drone-Machine Learning

Links to our supporting Projects Web pages

EU-LeapAgri/Ramses II : Roles of Agroforestry in sustainable intensification of small farMs and food SEcurity for SocIetIes in West Africa

EU-DESIRA/CASSECS : Elevage Sahélien et Bilan Carbone

EU-H2020/SustainSahel : Synergistic use and protection of natural resources for rural livelihoods through systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock in the Sahel

ANR-PEPR FaiCarboN : Projet Ciblé 3 : Appui aux infrastructures de Tours-à-Flux


LE MONDE: Au_Senegal_le_mil_cereale_millenaire_et_dernier_rempart_contre_la_scheresse.pdf (3.9MB)

SCIENCE & AVENIR: Faidherbia_Albida_arbre_refuge_de_lagriculture_sahlienne.pdf (1.5MB)

Visite de terrain des journalistes scientifiques francophones

24 Scientific articles since 2018

Agbohessou, Y., Delon, C., Mougin, E., Grippa, M., Tagesson, T., Diedhiou, M., Ba, S., Ngom, D., Vezy, R., Ndiaye, O., Assouma, M.H., Diawara, M., Roupsard, O., 2023. To what extent are greenhouse-gas emissions offset by trees in a Sahelian silvopastoral system? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 343, 109780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109780

Agbohessou, Y., Delon, C., Grippa, M., Mougin, E., Ngom, D., Gaglo, E. K., Ndiaye, O., Salgado, P., & Roupsard, O. (2024). Modelling CO2 and N2O emissions from soils in silvopastoral systems of the West African Sahelian band. Biogeosciences, 21(11), 2811–2837. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-21-2811-2024

Clermont-Dauphin, C., Ndienor, M., Leroux, L., Ba, H.S., Bongers, F., Jourdan, C., Roupsard, O., Do, F., Cournac, C., Seghieri, J., 2023. Faidherbia albida trees form a natural buffer against millet water stress in agroforestry parklands in a Sub-sahelian environment. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement (BASE) ; special issue “Agroforestry in West Africa”. Accepted September 2023, Colloque Agroforesterie en Afrique de l’Ouest 27 (3), 1–14. https://doi.org/DOI: 10.25518/1780-4507.20477

Diack, I., Diene, S. M., Louise, L., Aziz, D. A., Benjamin, H., Olivier, R., Philippe, L., Alain, A., Idrissa, S., & Moussa, D. (2024). Combining UAV and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Estimating Millet FCover in a Heterogeneous Agricultural Landscape of Senegal. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17, 7305–7322. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3373508

Diene, S. M., Diack, I., Audebert, A., Roupsard, O., Leroux, L., Diouf, A. A., Mbaye, M., Fernandez, R., Diallo, M., & Sarr, I. (2024). Improving pearl millet yield estimation from UAV imagery in the semiarid agroforestry system of Senegal through textural indices and reflectance normalization. IEEE Access. Accepted September 2024.

Diongue DML, Roupsard O, Do F, Stumpp C, Orange D, Sow S, Jourdan C, Faye S. 2022. Evaluation of parameterisation approaches for estimating soil hydraulic parameters with HYDRUS-1D in the Groundnut basin of Senegal. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 10.1080/02626667.2022.2142474

Diongue DML, Stumpp C, Roupsard O, Orange D, Do FC, Faye S. 2023. Estimating water fluxes in the critical zone using water stable isotope approaches in the Groundnut and Ferlo basins of Senegal. Hydrological Processes, 37: e14787. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14787
Diongue DML, Brunetti G, Stumpp C, Do F, Roupsard O, Orange D, Faye W, Sow S, Jourdan C, Faye S. 2023. A probabilistic framework for assessing the hydrological impact of Faidherbia albida in an arid Area of Senegal. Journal of Hydrology, 622. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129717

Duthoit, M., Roupsard, O., Créquy, N., Sauze, J., Van den Meersche, K., 2020. Conception d’un dispositif automatisé de chambres de mesures d’échanges gazeux du sol à fermeture horizontale. Le Cahier des techniques de l'INRA (2020, 102). https://www6.inrae.fr/cahier_des_techniques/Les-Cahiers-parus/Les-N-reguliers/2020/Cahier-N-102/Art4-ct102-2020, 19 pp.

Faye, W., Fall, A.N., Orange, D., Do, F., Roupsard, O., Kane, A., 2020. Climatic variability in the Sine-Saloum basin and its impacts on water resources: case of the Sob and Diohine watersheds in the region of Niakhar. Proc. IAHS 383, 391-399. https://piahs.copernicus.org/articles/383/391/2020/

Gbodjo, J.E., Ienco, D., Leroux, L., 2021. Benchmarking statistical modelling approaches with multi-source remote sensing data for millet yield monitoring: A case study of the Groundnut basin in central Senegal. Int. J. Remote Sens. 42, 9277–9300. doi:10.1080/01431161.2021.1993465

Gning F, Jourdan C, Marone D, Ngom D, Ræbild A. 2023. Root distribution of Adansonia digitata, Faidherbia albida and Borassus akeassii along a climate gradient in Senegal. Agroforestry Systems. 1-11; 1572-9680

Guzinski, R., Nieto, H., Ramo Sánchez, R., Sánchez, J. M., Jomaa, I., Zitouna-Chebbi, R., Roupsard, O., & López-Urrea, R. (2023). Improving field-scale crop actual evapotranspiration monitoring with Sentinel-3, Sentinel-2, and Landsat data fusion. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 125, 103587. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2023.103587

Lembrechts et al., 2020. SoilTemp : a global database of near-surface temperature. Global Change Biology 26, 11: 6616-6629. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15123 n/a.

Lembrechts et al., 2022. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology. Online. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16060

Leroux, L., Falconnier, G.N., Diouf, A.A., Ndao, B., Gbodjo, J.E., Tall, L., Balde, A.A., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Bégué, A., Affholder, F., Roupsard, O., 2020. Using remote sensing to assess the effect of trees on millet yield in complex parklands of Central Senegal. Agricultural Systems 184, 102918. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102918

Leroux L, Clermont-Dauphin C, Ndienor M, Jourdan C, Roupsard O, Seghieri J. 2022. A spatialized assessment of ecosystem service relationships in a multifunctional agroforestry landscape of Senegal. Science of The Total Environment, 853: 158707.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158707

Rahimi, J., Ago, E.E., Ayantunde, A., Berger, S., Bogaert, J., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Cappelaere, B., Demarty, J., Diouf, A.A., Falk, U., Haas, E., Hiernaux, P., Kraus, D., Roupsard, O., Scheer, C., Srivastava, A.K., Tagesson, T., Grote, R., 2021. Modelling Gas Exchange and Biomass Production in West African Sahelian and Sudanian Ecological Zones. Geosci. Model Dev. https://gmd.copernicus.org/preprints/gmd-2020-417/ 2021, 1-39.

Roupsard, O., Audebert, A., Ndour, A.P., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Agbohessou, Y., Sanou, J., Koala, J., Faye, E., Sambakhe, D., Jourdan, C., le Maire, G., Tall, L., Sanogo, D., Seghieri, J., Cournac, L., Leroux, L., 2020. How far does the tree affect the crop in agroforestry? New spatial analysis methods in a Faidherbia parkland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 296, 106928. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167880920301134

Sarr, M. S., Diouf, K., Roupsard, O., Rocheteau, A., Orange F., D., Jourdan J., C., Diedhiou, I., Seghieri, J., & Do, F. (2023). Estimation of seasonal water use of Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev. in a Sahelian agroforestry parkland. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement (BASE), 27(3), 196–204. https://popups.uliege.be/1780-4507/index.php?id=20512

Siegwart L, Bertrand I, Roupsard O, Duthoit M, Jourdan C. 2022. Root litter decomposition in a sub-Sahelian agroforestry parkland dominated by Faidherbia albida. Journal of Arid Environments 198, 104696.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104696.

Siegwart L, Bertrand I, Roupsard O, Jourdan C. 2023. Contribution of tree and crop roots to soil carbon stocks in a Sub-Sahelian agroforestry parkland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment . Accepted April 2023

Sow S, Senghor Y, Sadio K, Tounkara A, Vezy R, Roupsard O, Affholder F, Ndienor M, Clermont-Dauphin C, Gaglo E, Ba S, Tounkara A, balde AA, Agbohessou Y, Seghieri J, Sall SN, Couedel A, Leroux L, Jourdan C, Sanogo D, Falconnier G. 2024. Calibrating the STICS soil-crop model to explore the impact of agroforestry parklands on millet growth. Field Crop Research. Accepted November 2023.

Wieckowski, A., Vestin, P., Ardö, J., Roupsard, O., Ndiaye, O., Diatta, O., Ba, S., Agbohessou, Y., Fensholt, R., Verbruggen, W., Gebremedhn, H. H., & Tagesson, T. (2024). Eddy covariance measurements reveal a decreased carbon sequestration strength 2010-2022 in an African semi-arid savanna. Global Change Biology. Accepted September 2024.

Agbohessou, Y., Audebert, A., Ndour, A., Sokhna Sarr, M., Jourdan, C., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Sekouna, D., Roupsard, O., 2021. Effect of Faidherbia albida (Del.) Chev. on groundnut and millet productivity: Using UAV and geostatistics to compute the distance of influence and upscale crops yield and partial land-equivalent-ratio (LERcp) from plot to stand in an agro-silvo-pastoral system. Tunisia, 7th Farming System Design Symposium in March 21-24. Poster. 5. System design in agriculture: state of the art and recent conceptual and methodological developments. https://fsd7.sciencesconf.org/

Agbohessou Y, Audebert A, Ndour A, Sarr MS, Jourdan C, Clermont-Dauphin C, Diatta S, Leroux L, Taugourdeau S, Sanogo D, Seghieri J, Delon C, Roupsard O. 2022. Using UAV and geostatistics to upscale crop yield in heterogeneous agro-silvo-pastoral system. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4337, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11773, 2022. Oral Communication.

Agbohessou, Y. F., Ba, S., Ferchaud, F., Leonard, J., Sow, S., Bouvery, F., Duthoit, M., Delon, C., Vezy, R., Falconnier, G. N., Mougin, E., Ngom, D., Taugourdeau, S., & Roupsard, O. (2024). Modelling CO2 and N2O emissions from a tropical semi-arid parkland cultivated with groundnut and millet. EGU 2024. Vienna Oral Communication.

Ba S, Agbohessou Y, Serça D, Lardy L, Bouvery F, Duthoit M, Delon C, Roupsard O, Tagesson T, Ngom D, Sambou B. 2022. CASSECS: Measuring and modelling soil GHG Fluxes. Video-Conference. AMMA-CATCH Scientific meeting 09-11 May 2022. Sete, France. Oral presentation.: France.

Ba S, Roupsard O, Lardy L, Bouvery F, Diongue D, Agbohessou Y, Tagesson T, Sambou B, Serça D. 2022. Monitoring soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a Sahelian agro-silvo-pastoral parkland. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4337, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4337, 2022. Oral Communication.

Ba S, Roupsard O, Lardy L, Serça D, Sambou B. 2022. Emissions de GES et stocks de carbone dans les sols des paysages sahéliens. Assemblée Générale du LMI IESOL. ISRA-BAME, Dakar, Sénégal. 19-20 Octobre 2022. Oral Communication.

Ba, S., Roupsard, O., Agbohessou, Y. F., Diongue, D. M. L., Gaglo, E., Sow, S., Diedhiou Mouhamed, Chapuis-Lardy, L., Sambou, B., & Serça, D. (2024, April 22). Quantification des flux de CO2 entre le sol, les plantes et l’atmosphère à l’aide de chambres automatisées au sol dans un système agrosylvopastoral dominé par Faidherbia albida: modélisation des flux de la respiration et de la photosynthèse du système sol-arachide , variabilité saisonnière et bilan annuel. CID 2024. Communication Orale.

Clermont-Dauphin, C., N'dienor, M., Ba, S.A., Leroux, L., Jourdan, C., Roupsard, O., Seghieri, J., 2021. Using the Regional Agronomic Diagnosis (RAD) approach for co-design innovative agroforestry systems with farmers: Case study of a Faidherbia albida parkland in Senegal. Tunisia, 7th Farming System Design Symposium in March 21-24. https://fsd7.sciencesconf.org/

Clermont-Dauphin C, Ndienor M, Ba S, Leroux L, Letourmy P, Jourdan C, Roupsard O, Seghieri J. 2022. Does the management of Faidherbia albida trees in Senegalese parklands affect their ecological services to improve millet sustainability? 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. 17-20 July 2022.Québec, Canada.

Dangléant, C., Bonneaud, V., Roupsard, O., Brévault, T., Soti, V., Fall, C., 2019. L’agroforesterie à la rescousse des cultures au Sahel. CIRAD. Salon de l'Agriculture 2019 et World Congress of AgroforestryVidéo. https://www.cirad.fr/actualites/toutes-les-actualites/articles/2019/science/video-agroforesterie-au-sahel. France, p. 2.

Delaunay V, Valérie Delaunay1 AB, El Hadji Malick Gueye2 , Laurence Fleury1 , , Roupsard O, El Hadji Ba1 PA, Yacine Ndiaye1 , Isabelle Henry1 , Abdoulaye Deme4 , Ibrahima Mbaye5 , Coura Kane6 , Samba Ndiaye2 , Sylvie Lewicki3 , Géraldine Duthé7, Mathieu Fau-Nougaret8 , Fary Seye9 , Régis Dantaux8 , Adama Faye10 , Talla Gueye11 , Tamsir Mbaye12 , Badara Cissé13, Amadou Sall14 , Oumar Konte15 , Michel Pavageau. 2022. Open OPSE : de l’ouverture des données anciennes à l’évolution des pratiques de l’Observatoire Population Santé Environnement du Sénégal. African Research Matters – Penser les futurs africains en réponse aux défis planétaires. Colloque international 15-18 mars 2022 Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, Sénégal.

Diene, S. M., Fernandez, R., Diack, I., Audebert, A., Roupsard, O., Leroux, L., Diouf, A. A., Diallo, M., & Sarr, I. (2024, April 22). Spatial Characterization of Agroforestry System Performance in F. albida / Pearl Millet Intercrops  Using a Probabilistic Atlas of UAV Data. Dakar. CID 2024. Oral Communication.

Diongue DML, Sow S, Faye W, Stumpp C, Roupsard O, Orange D, Jourdan C, Faye S, Do F. 2021. Estimation of soil hydraulic parameters from a transient water flow field experiment in an agroforestry system of Central Senegal. Conférence Intensification Durable (CID) 2021. Dakar, 23-26 nov. 2021: Senegal.

Diongue DML, Do F, Stumpp C, Orange D, Jourdan C, Sow S, Faye S, Roupsard O. 2022. Comparing the performances of Pedotransfer Functions with with inversely estimated soil hydraulic parameters in a deep cultivated Sahelian soil using HYDRUS 1D. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9499, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9499, 2022. Oral Communication.

Do F, Sarr MS, Diouf K, Sow S, Diongue DML, Rocheteau A, Diedhiou I, Seghieri J, Le Maire G, Roupsard O. 2022. Faidherbia albida transpiration and canopy conductance in a reference agroforestry system of West Africa. 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. 17-20 July 2022. Québec, Canada.

Duthoit, M., Roupsard, O., Van den Meersche, K., 2019. Chambres automatiques à fermeture horizontale pour les échanges gazeux du sol. Journées du CIRAD 2019. Vidéo. France.

Fahrani, N., Demarty, J., Roupsard, O., & et al. (2024). Spatially remotely sensed evapotranspiration estimates in Sahel regions using an ensemble contextual model : structural uncertainty estimation and reduction. EGU 2024. Vienna. Oral Communication.

Faye, W., Fall, A.N., Orange, D., Do, F., Jourdan, C., Roupsard, O., Kane, A., 2020. Caractérisation des relations eau de surface eau souterraine dans un agrosystème à fortes contraintes climatiques du centre ouest du bassin arachidier : cas des bassins versants de Sob et de Diohine dans l’OPSE de Niakhar (Senegal). Cotonou, Benin, 20-24 November 2020, 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE HYDROLOGY OF AFRICAN LARGE RIVER BASINS FRIEND/UNESCO/ INTERNATIONAL HYDROLOGICAL PROGRAMME.

Faye, W., Fall, A.N., Orange, D., Do, F., Roupsard, O., Kane, A., 2018. Climatic variability in the Sine-Saloum basin and its impacts on water resources: case of the Sob and Diohine watersheds in the region of Niakhar. 8th Global FRIEND-Water Conference: "Hydrological Processes and Water Security in a Changing World". FRIEND Water, Beijing, China. ID 3914: Oral Presentation + Paper 12 pp in Collection Red Book of IASH.

Gaglo, K.E., Tall, L., Badiane Ndour, Y., Roupsard, O., Mbengue, M., Ciss Ndiaga, P., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Cournac, L., Ngom, D., 2019. Les associations de culture mil et niébé dans le bassin arachidier: une voie d’intensification agroécologique. Conférence Intensification Durable (CID) 2019: Leviers d’intensification pour une transition agroécologique des systèmes de production en Afrique Subsaharienne. Senegal, 08-09 Octobre 2019. Hotel Ngor Diarama, Dakar, Sénégal. Poster. https://sites.google.com/site/cidintensificationdurable/home/cid-2019.

Garric, A., 2019. Au Sénégal, le mil, rempart contre la sécheresse. France, Le Monde du 4 septembre 2019, p. 2.

Gubert, N., Dupraz, C., Peltier, R., Roupsard, O., 2019. Faidherbia albida, arbre refuge de l'agriculture sahélienne. France, Sciences & Avenir : https://t.co/CKVIWpGESi; https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/nature-environnement/faidherbia-albida-arbre-refuge-de-l-agriculture-sahelienne_133856, p. 2.

Lassabatere, L., Yilmaz, D., Faye, W., Orange, D., Aroui, H., Saint-Louis, S. M., Winiarski, T., Mourier, B., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., di Prima, S., Roupsard, O., & Do, F. C. (2024). Manual versus Automated Beerkan run for characterizing the hydraulic properties of sandy soil in Senegal’s Sahel. EGU 2024. Vienna. Poster.

Leroux L, Clermont-Dauphin C, Ndienor M, Jourdan C, Roupsard O, Seghieri J. 2022. How multifunctionnal are agroforestry parklands? A landscape scale assessment of multiple ecosystem services from a F.albida parkland in Senegal. Oral communication. 5th Word Congress on Agroforestry. 17-20 July 2022. Quebec, Canada.

Niang Al Housseynou, Diene, S. M., Diack, I., Audebert, A., Leroux, L., Diouf, A., Mbissane Faye, P. F., & Roupsard, O. (2024, April 22). Application des images drone en RGB et de l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) pour dénombrer les pieds de mils et estimer leur taux de couverture à l’échelle de parcelles dans un système agroforestier dominé par Faidherbia albida. CID 2024. Dakar, Senegal. Oral Communication.

Raynal, P.-A., Roupsard, O., Pierre, C., & et al. (2024). Wind erosion in Western Sahel : Quantifying the impact of land use and land management. EGE 2024, Vienna. Oral Communication.

Roupsard, O. (2024, April 22). Application des images drone en RGB et de l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) pour dénombrer les pieds de mils et estimer leur taux de couverture à l’échelle de parcelles dans un système agroforestier dominé par Faidherbia albida.Niang Al Housseynou, Diene, S. M., Diack, I., Audebert, A., Leroux, L., Diouf, A., Mbissane Faye, P. F., &

Roupsard, O., 2019. Faidherbia-Flux, A new long-term Collaborative Observatory on GHG fluxes and ecosystem services in a semi-arid agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystem. Conférence invitée au Side-Event à la Conférence Intensification Durable (CID) 2019: Séquestration Continentale du Carbone au Sahel Agroécologie, Climat et Sociétés : rencontre pour promouvoir une interdisciplinarité et intersectorialité effective en appui aux Politiques Publiques, 07 Octobre 2019. Hotel Ngor Diarama, Dakar, Sénégal. PSIP Séquestration continentale du Carbone - IRD. Oral Presentation. https://sites.google.com/site/cidintensificationdurable/home/cid-2019

Roupsard, O., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Audebert, A., Sanou, J., Koala, J., Jourdan, C., Orange, D., Do, F., Rocheteau, A., Bertrand, I., Faye, E., Tall, L., Agbohessou, Y., Gaglo, E., Tounkara, A., Demarchi, G., Brévault, T., Vezy, R., Le Maire, G., Seghieri, J., Cournac, L., 2019. “Faidherbia-Flux”: adapting crops to climate changes in a semi-arid agro-sylvo-pastoral open observatory (Senegal). 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. , 20-22 of May 2019. Le Corum Conference Centre, Montpellier, France. Oral presentation. Session 2: Agroforestry and adaptation to climate change. Oral Presentation. https://agroforestry2019.cirad.fr/replay/webconferences

Roupsard, O., Cournac, L., Jourdan, C., Orange, D., Do, F., Faye, W., Gaglo, E., Demarchi, G., Sow, S., Agbohessou, Y., Diatta, S., Diouf, K., Ly, A., Tall, L., Clermont-Dauphin, C., Sanou, J., Koala, J., Audebert, A., Ndour, A., Faye, E., Taugourdeau, S., Sanogo, D., Sall, S., Sokhna Sarr, M., Duthoit, M., Rocheteau, A., Arnal, D., Bouvery, F., Kergoat, L., Timouk, F., Grippa, M., Gangneron, F., Badiane Ndour, Y., Chapuis-Lardy, L., Seghieri, J., Masse, D., Fleury, L., Delaunay, P., Montes, N., Vezy, R., Le Maire, G., Rajot, J.L., Pierre, C., Vallée, M., Leroy, N., Chotte, J.L., 2019. “Faidherbia-Flux”, an open observatory for GHG balance and C stocks in a semi-arid agro-sylvo-pastoral system (Senegal). 4rth World Congress on Agroforestry. . France, 20-22 of May 2019. Le Corum Conference Centre, Montpellier, France. Poster. Session 1: Mitigating Climate change with agroforestry. Poster. https://agroforestry2019.cirad.fr/replay/posters

Roupsard, O., Do, F., Rocheteau, A., Diouf, K., Sarr , M.S., Faye, W., Diongue, D.M.L., Orange, D., Faye, S., Timouk, F., Kergoat, L., Grippa, M., Jourdan, C., Bouvery, F., Tall, L., Gaglo, E., Sow, S., Agbohessou, Y., Diatta, S., Sanogo, D., le Maire, G., Vezy, V., Seghieri, J., Chapuis-Lardy, L., Cournac, L., 2020. More C uptake during the dry season? The case of a semi-arid agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystem dominated by Faidherbia albida, a tree with reverse phenology (Senegal). Oral presentation Monday 4rth of May 11h45. Session BG3.30: Tropical landscapes and peatlands: Biogeochemistry, ecohydrology and land use impacts. https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/EGU2020-11203.html Austria, EGU, Vienna, 3-8 May 2020, Session BG3.30 / Land use and climate effects on carbon, greenhouse gas and water dynamics in Africa / EGU2020-11203 /

Roupsard Olivier, Do Frédéric, Jourdan Christophe, Orange Didier, Alain Audebert, Rocheteau Alain, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Louise Leroux, Duthoit Maxime, Bouvéry Frédéric, Faye Waly, Yelognissè Agbohessou, Gaglo Espoir, Gning Fatou, Sow Sidy, Diongue Djim M., Malou Oscar, Sadio Khardiatou, Ba Seydina, Diedhiou Moussa, Siegwart Lorène, Diouf, K; Diatta, S., Timouk Franck, Kergoat Laurent, Grippa Manuela, Delon Claire, Serça Dominique, Guerin Frédéric, Diaminatou Sanogo, Mame Sokhna Sarr, Ndienor Moussa, Saidou Nourou Sall, Serigne Faye, Ngom Daouda, Masse Dominique, Clermont-Dauphin Cathy, Pierre Caroline, Rajot Jean-Louis, Vezy Rémi, Le Maire Guerric, Valade Aude, Bertrand Isabelle, Seghieri Josiane, Manlay Raphael, Taugourdeau Simon, Salgado Paulo, Raebuild A., Tagesson Torbern, Ardö Jonas, Fensholt Rasmus, Delaunay Valérie, Fleury Laurence, Lalou Richard, Montes Nicolas, Diedhiou Ibrahima, Telali Kader, Lesur Vincent, Leroy Nicolas, Vallee Martin; Laclau Jean-Paul, Chotte Jean-Luc, Cournac Laurent, 2021. 'Faidherbia-Flux’: a long-term Collaborative Observatory on food security, GHG fluxes, ecosystem services, mitigation and adaptation in a semi-arid agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystem (groundnut basin in Niakhar/Sob, Senegal. France, Video-Conference. AMMA-CATCH Scientific meeting 3-4 of March 2021. Oral presentation.

Roupsard O, Faye W, Sow S, Diongue DML, Orange D, Do F, Jourdan C, Stumpp C, Faye S. 2022. The inverted phenology of Faidherbia albida is paced with the dynamics of the water table. 5th Work Congress of Agroforestry, Québec-City, Canada. Oral communication # 226-Wh9H -1511 in Proceedings: Senegal.

Roupsard O, Do F, Faye W, Diongue DML, Gaglo E, Sow S, Orange D, Jourdan C, Stumpp C, Faye S, Le Maire G, Valade A, Luyssaert S, Audebert A, Leroux L, Clermont-Dauphin C, Manlay R, Seghieri J, Chapuis-Lardy L, Cournac C. 2022. Inverted phenology of Faidherbia albida is paced with the dynamics of the water table. 7th Interdrought Congress. Dakar, Senegal. 28th of November-2nd of December 2022. Poster # S3-7181: Senegal.

Roupsard O, Faye W, Sow S, Diongue DML, Orange D, Do F, Jourdan C, Stumpp C, Faye S. 2022. The inverted phenology of Faidherbia albida is paced with the dynamics of the water table. 5th Work Congress of Agroforestry, Québec-City, Canada. Oral communication # 226-Wh9H -1511 in Proceedings: Senegal.
Roupsard O, Gning Fatou; Sow Sidy; Diongue Djim M.; Malou Oscar; Sadio Khardiatou; Ba Seydina; Diedhiou Moussa; Siegwart Lorène; Diouf; K; Diatta; S.; Timouk Franck; Kergoat Laurent; Grippa Manuela; Delon Claire; Serça Dominique; Guerin Frédéric; Diaminatou Sanogo; Mame Sokhna Sarr; Ndienor Moussa; Saidou Nourou Sall; Serigne Faye; Ngom Daouda; Masse Dominique; Clermont-Dauphin Cathy; Pierre Caroline; Rajot Jean-Louis; Vezy Rémi; Le Maire Guerric; Valade Aude; Bertrand Isabelle; Seghieri Josiane; Manlay Raphael; Taugourdeau Simon; Salgado Paulo; Raebuild A.; Tagesson Torbern; Ardö Jonas; Fensholt Rasmus; Delaunay Valérie; Fleury Laurence; Lalou Richard; Montes Nicolas; Diedhiou Ibrahima; Telali Kader; Lesur Vincent; Leroy Nicolas; Vallee Martin; Laclau Jean-Paul; Chotte Jean-Luc; Cournac Laurent

Sarr MS, Diouf K, Diedhiou I, Roupsard O, Jourdan C, Do F. 2021. Water uptake by Faidherbia albida A. Chev. in an agroforestry parkland in Senegal. Conférence Intensification Durable (CID) 2021. Dakar, 23-26 nov. 2021: Senegal.

Vandewalle, N., Roupsard, O., Beauclaire, Q., Do, F. C., le Maire, G., Blitz-Frayret Celine, Gaglo, E., Valade, A., Dreyer, E., & Vincke, C. (2024). Paramétrisation de la photosynthèse foliaire de Faidherbia albida (Chev. A. Del.) à l’échelle des couronnes au sein d’un système agrosylvopastoral dans le bassin arachidier du Sénégal. Dakar. CID 2024. Poster.

Academic Reports:__ (interwiki inconnu)

Agbohessou, Y. F. U. (2024). Modélisation du bilan de gaz à effet de serre des systèmes agroforestiers du sahel : de la parcelle au paysage. Thèse de doctorat. Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. ED Sciences de la Vie, de la Santé et de l’Environnement. Facultés des Sciences et techniques. Thèse en Biologie et Pathologie Végétales. Spécialité Ecologie et Agroforesterie. Défendue le 02/02/2024. Mention Très Honorable avec Félicitations du Jury. 165 pp. Senegal.

Agbohessou, Y.F.U., 2020. Effets du Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev. sur la productivité aérienne et souterraine de la culture associée (arachide) : Utilisation des drones pour l’estimation du rendement et du Land-Equivalent-Ratio (LER), depuis les placettes à tout le système agro-sylvo-pastoral à la parcelle entière. Senegal, 31rd of October 2020. Master en Agroforesterie, Ecologie et Adaptation (AFECA), UCAD-Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie Végétale, Dakar, Senegal. Félicitations du jury, p. 60 pp + Annexes.

Diatta, S., 2021. Estimation du stock et du stockage annuel de carbone dans la biomasse aérienne de Faidherbia albida (Del.) A chev du parc agroforestier de Sob (Observatoire de Niakhar, Sénégal) : approches par inventaires et dendrochronologie. Senegal, Master en Foresterie et Environnement pour une gestion durable des ressources naturelles. Université de Thiès-ENSA, Thiès, Senegal., soutenu le 06 janvier 2021. 45pp + Annexes. Mention bien.

Diongue DML. 2023. PARTITIONNEMENT DES FLUX D’EAU DANS LE CONTINUUM SOL-VÉGÉTATION-ATMOSPHÈRE EN MILIEUX SEMI-ARIDES (Bassin arachidier & Ferlo) : Apport des modèles mécanistiques et des isotopes stables de la molécule d’eau (δ2H et δ18O), PhD, Senegal, UCAD. Faculté des Sciences et techniques. Ecole Doctorale EDEQUE "Eau, Qualité et Usages de l'Eau", Spécialité Hydrogéologie.Thèse défendue le 25/02/2023. Mention Très Honorable avec les Félicitations du Jury.179 pp.

Diouf, K., 2020. Evaluation de la transpiration par mesure du flux de sève chez l’espèce agroforestière Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev. dans un site semi-aride du bassin arachidier au Sénégal. Senegal, Diplôme d'ingénieur agronome de Université de Thiès-ENSA, option Productions Végétales. ENSA, Thiès, Senegal. 13 juillet 2020, p. 55. Mention très bien.

Faye W. 2021. Ecohydrologie du bassin arachidier (cas de Niakhar): dynamique de l’infiltration et modélisation des aquifères superficiels dans un espace sylvopastoral semi-aride. PhD, UCAD : Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Géographie. Dakar, Sénégal. Thèse défendue le 10 décembre 2021